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Never give up


“Failure allows you to fix your mistakes, to try again and excel. Don’t look at it as the end but as an opportunity to excel”.

These words were echoed by 23-year-old Oleseng Alice Mokhobo from Botshabelo who overcame, failure, pregnancy, and repeating a module to bag her honours degree.

Oleseng Alice Mokhobo, was conferred a Bachelor of Agriculture in Agricultural Management Honours degree on 7 December by the University of the Free State.

She started her undergraduate studies in 2018 and was supposed to have completed in June 2020 but completed in 2021 after having to repeat a semester.

She started her year-long honours degree at the beginning of 2022 which was supposed to have been completed in December 2022 but again, she had to repeat a semester after failing a module, missing the initial graduation date of April 2023 and completing in June 2023 and graduated on 7 of December 2023.

In 2019, while doing her undergraduate degree, Oleseng wrote her exams heavily pregnant, despite the challenges she faced associated with pregnancy, She wrote her final exams and passed all her modules that year.

Oleseng gave birth in 2020 to a baby boy, recovered, and managed to study online, for one module in 2020, she received 22% as a final mark resulting in repeating it in 2021.

Getting a 22% as a final mark shattered Oleseng as she had to repeat a module and didn’t expect to as she studied hard and did everything in her power to pass, she even turned to alcohol to cope as she had never failed in her academic life, from Primary to High School, failure has never been a part of her academic life.

But giving up was never the answer, she dusted herself and managed to pass her module the following semester.

For her honours studies, she failed the Finance and Macroeconomics module, repeated it, and did exceptionally well.

Oleseng says she shares her academic story to inspire others not to give up on their academic dreams.

She said her journey was not easy but through God, determination, and hard work, she has conquered and has an honours degree. She credits her family, friends, and relatives for their support and for being with her through thick and thin.

“No matter how long it may take you to graduate, don’t give up. Failure is not an option, dust yourself, try again, and reach for the stars. Don’t give up on your dreams” said Oleseng.



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