Home News Shack swallowed by flames

Shack swallowed by flames


On Sunday, 21 September at around 12 noon, a shack in Mokobobong, Clarens (Free State) caught fire and burnt to ashes, leaving only a few pieces of the corrugated iron still standing.

According to witnesses at the scene, the fire spread rapidly, and by the time they tried to stop it with water buckets, it was already too late.

It is alleged that the owner of the shack lives right next door, but she had rented out the shack to two (2) matriculants and some other tenants.

According to one of the tenants, Kgahliso Mofokeng, there was no one home, but she was not too far away from the shack.
From where she was, she could smell something burning and informed the person who was with her.

When they moved closer, there was smoke coming from the shack. That is when they got inside to see what the problem was. That is when they realised that one of the beds had already caught flames. With assistance from some neighbours, they managed to get some of
their essentials out, while the rest had already caught fire.

“We managed to take some things out but lost our clothes, school books, and furniture in the fire. All my workbooks, textbooks, and stationery went up in flames, and currently, there is nothing for me to use for school,” said the devastated grade 12 learner.

Anyone willing to offer a helping hand may contact Kgahliso on 0784843641.



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